Domint Int'l Christian Centre for Pneumapreneurship
Domint International Christian Centre for Pneumapreneuship is set up to provide sound biblical and entrepreneurship training aimed at helping believers to identify and build their God-given talents through which they can start and grow a business, career, ministry or function that exists for the common good.
Domint Centre exists for the building up of the body of Christ and for believers’ dominion on earth in their various endeavours.
Our Mission Is to raise an army of purposeful stewards of God's grace in all areas of life
Professional Modules
Commited Lecturers and Leading Mentors
Trained Pneumapreneurs
Satisfaction Rated by Students
Community & Support
A thriving Alumi community for Business, Career and Ministry Networking
We encourage believers to stop wasting resources and responsibilities committed unto them by God for the benefit of His kingdom and humanity. We are practically a teaching ministry so we carry out our mandate through seminars, forums, training, periodic teachings, conferences and presentations.
Our Core Values
We practice what we preach
We say what we mean and mean what we say
We believe in accountability Romans 14:12.
We are accountable to God and to His people whom He has called us to equip
Knowledge is a powerful tool for a purposeful and profitable life. We are commited to disseminating knowledge as generously as our Lord has given to us
We are commited to ensuring that every believer is thoroughly equipped for every good work God has called them to do
2 Timothy 3:16-17
We are driven by the passion for those who desire to be shown the way of purpose and are ready to be responsible for their giftings and talents