International Christian Centre
for Pneumapreneurship
Pneumapreneurial Leaders Hub
Pneumapreneurial Leaders'Hub is the Leadership Mentoring arm of Domint Pneumapreneurship Centre

Mission of the Hub
To create an atmosphere where leaders can attain to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
To develop Christ-like leaders in thoughts, words and deeds
The Hub meets quarterly to discuss on key areas of leadership. The meeting is tagged ‘Christian Leaders meet’
Why the Hub?

To develop Christ-like Leaders
Christ has Himself appointed leaders with various capacities in the church and for the church (Eph 4:11).
So the Hub exists...
To fully equip the church through service which is to build up the body of Christ Eph 4:12
it is a forum for leaders to
- Network through the unity of faith
- Share ideas and brainstorm Prov 27:17
- Train and be trained
- Help each other to comprehend the full and accurate knowledge of the son of God
- Mentor and be mentored 1 Cor 11:1
- Foster growth unto a perfect man
- Hold each other up for growth and development
- Help reach the full stature of Christ
To develop Emotional stronghold for the demands of leadership
Leadership brings exposure to negative and positive actions or reactions Including but not limited to criticism, Ridicule, Harassment, Persecution, Judgement, Celebration and Reward
How can leaders react to these?
So we help leaders in the development of emotional intelligence, strength and fortitude to withstand the crisis and exposures of leadership.
Help conduct a 360 degree Assessment for Leaders
Increasing Leaders' self-awareness
⁃ Giving them Balanced and well-rounded reviews which are useful in developing their skills and behaviours.
⁃ To help them Leverage strengths for personal improvement and organisational effectiveness
⁃ To help them Uncover blindspots
⁃ Development of skills needed to excel in leadership
so they can effectively
Model against result
Assess Vision versus actual